Monday, August 3, 2009

Re-Post from PeaceLovePurple: "Whoever said it was cool to be a jerk?"

"This rant may mean nothing to most of you, but it can mean a lot.

Seriously, when was the last time you walked into a school without seeing someone getting picked on?

Somebody getting teased.
Somebody getting threatened to get beat up.

Never, right?

People get picked on all the time, and sometimes, almost nobody is ever there to stand up for them.

Sometimes they aren't even strong enough to stand for themselves.

You can call them weak, but that's not their fault.

The only reason why they're not strong enough is because of those people that pick on them and tease them.

It can make them weak enough to breakdown and cry every night, cut themselves to let everything out, or to be a jerk back.

I myself am sick and tired of seeing people getting hurt only because people think it's "cool" and "funny."
And I'm sick of getting picked on too.

People think it's funny to even make fun of the smallest things.
Like the way someone dresses, the grades someone gets, when someone makes a mistake while doing something.
Those small things can make a big problem worse.
They think it's funny when people have problems to deal with.

Well, yenno what?
It's NOT funny.

It HURTS to get picked on.

I've been picked on the DAY I started middle school.

It's annoying as HELL.

I've seen people laugh at me when I just FLIP MY HAIR.

What the hell is so funny about that?

I've even had my own friends AND family talk about me when I was standing right in front of them.

Even online.
It's not funny either way.
And it hurts either way.

People can say I've picked on them, but it's only because I've been picked on.
And I know when I've hurt somebody.

Seriously, this kind of stuff needs to stop.

I know some people that are total hippies and believe in world peace, yet they act like jerks to some people and led them to crying, and another person that gets abused at home, yet he's a total jerk to other people.

And some people that act even worse just because they think it's funny.

I've even met people in school that literally push people through the hall cause they're coming through, only because they think they're so "popular."

Grow up.
Learn respect."

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